Через 5 років після незаконної анексії Росією Криму, хоробрі активісти, такі як Марія Томак, працюють над викриттям фактів порушень прав людини, таких як незаконне утримання, викрадення та тортури, які масово застосовує російська окупаційна адміністрація в Криму та Донбасі.
У відео (https://goo.gl/CtKPyL), знятому британським Форін Офісом, Марія говорить таке:
Maria Tomak:
Everyone should just remember that there is a WAR in Europe currently and that people are dying.
And that people are held in our Europe, in our HOME in the basements they are tortured.
And that it shouldn’t be like this.
When we say about human rights violations in Crimea and in Donbas we’re talking about human rights violations which are going on in Europe.
There are over 70 known cases of illegally detained political prisoners and reports of arbitrary arrests and kidnappings leaving many children without their fathers.
Crimea suffers from the violation of the conventional human rights, fundamental human rights like the right to life, right to freedom from torture, right to a fair trial.
Every Thursday in Crimea, in Crimean Tatar communities Russian FSB make searches.
So you can imagine how people live if they expect someone can knock your door and just take away your husband or your father.
What we can do is to show them that it is not okay to torture people, to kidnap people and to cover all this system.